Backend Errors

In case of an error in a backend request, the Admin Service returns an appropriate 4xx or 5xx HTTP status code as well as the following HTTP headers in its response:

Each error code maps to a template, which a client can use to process the English error message, for example to translate it into the user’s preferred language or adapt the error message to the context it occurred in.

Error Codes and Templates

Code Template
AEM_BACKEND_FETCH_FAILED Unable to fetch '$1' from '$2': $3
AEM_BACKEND_NOT_FOUND File not found: $1
AEM_BACKEND_TYPE_UNSUPPORTED File type not supported: $1
AEM_BACKEND_NO_HANDLER No handler found for document: $1
AEM_BACKEND_NON_MATCHING_MEDIA Unable to preview '$1', content is not a '$2' but: $3
AEM_BACKEND_VALIDATION_FAILED Unable to preview '$1', validation failed: $2
AEM_BACKEND_UNSUPPORTED_MEDIA '$1' backend does not support file type: $2
AEM_BACKEND_NO_CONTENT_TYPE Content type header is missing
AEM_BACKEND_JSON_INVALD JSON fetched from markup '$1' is invalid: $2
AEM_BACKEND_FILE_EMPTY File is empty, no markdown version available: $1
AEM_BACKEND_FILE_TOO_BIG Documents larger than 100mb not supported: $1
AEM_BACKEND_MP4_TOO_LONG Unable to preview '$1': MP4 is longer than 2 minutes: $2
AEM_BACKEND_MP4_BIT_RATE_TOO_HIGH Unable to preview '$1': MP4 has a higher bitrate than 300 KB/s: $2
AEM_BACKEND_ICO_TOO_BIG ICO is larger than 16KB: $1
AEM_BACKEND_SVG_SCRIPTING_DETECTED Unable to preview '$1': script or event handler detected in SVG at: $2
AEM_BACKEND_SVG_ROOT_ITEM_MISSING Unable to preview '$1': expected XML content with an SVG root item
AEM_BACKEND_SVG_PARSING_FAILED Unable to preview '$1': unable to parse SVG XML