Change Site Root

The AEM Boilerplate project assumes that the document root is situated at the project's root. However, if your project begins on a subpage of another site, it is necessary to adjust the site root to align with the path.

Modifying the site root involves relocating various files and folders in both the document storage and code repository, along with making code updates where paths are referenced. The new folder should have identical names in both the document storage and GitHub and it should also correspond to the name in the path where the site will be located.

That means if the site location will be at then the recommended folder name would be topics.

SharePoint/GDrive Changes

To update your document storage, follow these steps:

IMPORTANT: In case any files in the previous location have been previewed or published, it is advisable to delete the published content. These outdated files can be seen as duplicate content, will probably not get updates from authors and confuse visitors who stumble upon them.

Code Changes

To update your project code, follow these steps:

Other things to look for

Depending on your stage of development, you might have to identify additional instances where paths are referenced.