Where to author your site
Sites running on Edge Delivery Services works with multiple authoring options, but if you are unsure which one to pick, answer the questions below
SharePoint is a widely used content repository for Word and Excel documents. Users are familiar with these tools, requiring no extra training. Despite some rate limiting, SharePoint remains a reliable option for content management.
Google Docs and Sheets are popular for content repositories. Users need no additional training, and while not highly structured for automation, they are user-friendly and widely adopted.
AEM Content Fragment Editor is designed for the needs of headless applications, generating JSON for Edge Delivery Services, among other things. It requires authors to follow the content structure enforced by application developers and may therefore require additional training.
The Universal Editor in Adobe Experience Manager Sites offers live-preview of the content to be authored, combined with a structure-first approach to authoring, guided by tight field definitions. It requires initial training but provides great flexibility by mapping content to front-end blocks. Note that this is not the usual AEM Page Editor experience that some might be used to in AEM.
Document Authoring for Edge Delivery Services offers a user-friendly, high-performance, and highly available document-based authoring experience. It requires minimal training, though automation and workflows may need some customization.