Picking the right CDN

A Content Delivery Network makes sure that your visitors get your site served as fast as possible when entering your domain name. Adobe Experience Manager integrates with many popular CDN choices, but if you are unsure which one to pick, answer the questions below


Cloudflare (Enterprise)

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AEM customers use Cloudflare Enterprise and benefit from fast and fine-granular purging, powerful extensibility with Cloudflare Workers, support for multiple backends, and zero-trust security support. It's also an all-around good CDN.

Learn how to set up Cloudflare for Adobe Experience Manager

Cloudflare (Free)

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Cloudflare's free option is a great choice for smaller sites, as the free tier comes with included traffic and support for Cloudflare Workers. It does not support key-based purging, which means for some updates Adobe Experience Manager has to purge the entire site, making Cloudflare free unsuitable for large sites with frequent content updates.

Learn how to set up Cloudflare for Adobe Experience Manager


Cloudfront is the CDN that is included in your Amazon Web Services contract. It is a passable CDN that is supported by Adobe Experience Manager, but many important features are missing such as support for fine-granular content purges. This makes Cloudfront unsuitable for sites with lots of content and a high frequency of updates

If this does not discourage you, here is how to set up Cloudfront for Adobe Experience Manager

Fastly (self-managed)

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If you are already a Fastly customer, then you know why Adobe Experience Manager integrates with it out of the box: a rock-solid and blazingly fast CDN with fine-grained push invalidation that you can configure using Fastly's VCL language.

Learn how to set up Fastly for Adobe Experience Manager

Fastly (AEM Cloud Service)

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Adobe Experience Manager as a Cloud Service bundles the Fastly CDN, which means it's likely included in your contract. Advanced configuration options require using configuration pipelines in Cloud Manager, so you combine the best of YAML with VCL.

Learn how to set up Fastly for Adobe Experience Manager

Fastly (Adobe Commerce)

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As an Adobe Commerce customer, you have access to the Fastly CDN. It's a great choice of CDN, rock-solid, blazingly fast, and, thanks to VCL, extremely configurable with plenty of public documentation.

Learn how to set up Fastly for Adobe Experience Manager


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Akamai is the market-leading CDN and if you are a customer, there is no reason not to use it with Adobe Experience Manager. Akamai supports push invalidation at reasonable speed and can combine sites with multiple backends, which helps when migrating a legacy site to fast edge delivery.

Set up Akamai for Adobe Experience Manager in 13 easy steps.


Sometimes you don't need a CDN at all. Adobe allows you to use the BYO DNS service, which provides caching and push invalidation, has secure certificates, but does not provide any configuration options. All you need to do is point your DNS records to Adobe and tell us which site you want to serve under your domain.

Bring your own DNS (without a custom CDN) to Adobe Experience Manager